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Collaborate in a Dynamic Workplace (New Content Demo)

1 class
60 minutes


Collaborate in a Dynamic Workplace is designed for individuals that want to make working with their team more seamless, productive, and enjoyable.

In this class, we’ll share a three-part framework to help you transform your approach to collaboration by exploring ways to push your team, drive accountability, and foster open communication. We’ll also discuss how to lean into discomfort to open new avenues for meaningful collaboration. 

What you will get if you attend this demo:

  • Exclusive access to brand *NEW* content and a chance to shape Hone content 
  • A research-backed approach to collaboration, delivered in a hands-on format 
  • A chance to discuss key insights with individuals across industries and build your network

Note: Participants in this demo will be requested to provide detailed feedback on the class. We appreciate your time and valuable feedback!

How Hone is different
Live learning
Small-group classes over video conference. Join wherever you are.
Interactive activities
Practice new skills in breakout rooms with like-minded professionals.
Real-world application
Apply new skills to your work by taking action and choosing a personalized Hone challenge.
Tue, Sep 24
10:00am - 11:00am (PDT)
Svetlana Saitsky

Svetlana Saitsky

Svetlana is a certified co-active executive coach and mental wealth advocate.