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Masterclass: How Have Your Values Shifted After Parenthood?

4.7 (6)
4.7 out of 5
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1 class
60 minutes


Becoming a parent is a major life transition. Amidst adjusting to one’s new responsibilities as a caretaker and balancing these with work and life, it can be easy to feel a little lost or become disconnected from who you are.

In this workshop, we’ll go through an immersive exercise that will help you reflect on what is most important to you, through the lens of what you want for your child. Then, we’ll discuss ways to integrate these new priorities into your life and habits, while shedding old habits that are no longer serving you.

You will leave with a greater understanding of:

  1. What is most important to you at this stage of your life.

  2. The assessment and prioritization of your life values and how that plays a role in your work life.  

  3. How to translate what you value into action and commitment. 

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