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Disrupt Silos with Cross-Functional Collaboration (New Content Demo)

4.5 (2)
4.5 out of 5
2 ratings | 0 reviews
1 class
60 minutes


“Disrupt Silos with Cross-Functional Collaboration '' is designed for individuals who want to explore their potential to be “boundary-spanners” and improve cross-functional collaboration across their organization. 

The class will open with a discussion of the root causes and impacts of organizational silos. Learners will explore the behaviors of people who disrupt silos and work A.C.R.O.S.S, and work through a series of questions to discover how they can best support cross-functional collaboration in their organization. Finally, they will discuss how to best facilitate cross-functional communication. 

What you will get if you attend this demo:

  • Exclusive access to brand *NEW* content and a chance to shape Hone content 
  • A research-backed approach to disrupting silos, delivered in a hands-on format 
  • A chance to discuss key insights with individuals across industries and build your network

Note: Participants in this demo will be requested to provide detailed feedback on the class. We appreciate your time and valuable feedback!

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