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Masterclass: Overcome Internalized Stereotypes and Break Barriers at Work (For the Asian American Community and Allies)

4.9 (14)
4.9 out of 5
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1 class
60 minutes


Individuals of Asian descent represent 13 percent of the U.S. professional workforce but only 6 percent of executive posts, are the least likely group to be promoted from individual contributor roles into management, and also reported the lowest rates of support to take on leadership opportunities at work.

Generations of exclusion, discrimination, and battling stereotypes such as the perpetual foreigner trope and the model minority myth can have serious effects for belonging and self-esteem. Many Asian Americans experience hiding their true selves in the workplace and undervaluing or underestimating their own potential.

Our facilitator for this masterclass, Ellen Min, serves on the board of DIPCPA/Diversity and Inclusion Professionals of Central PA, PAIRWN/PA Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Network, is a member of YPOC/Young Professionals of Color, and the co-founder and chair of HAAPI/Harrisburg AAPI. In this class, she will share her lessons on finding authenticity and self-advocacy. She’ll guide you through a meaningful self-reflection and create space to connect with other learners in the class.

Join this session if you want to

  • Be a better ally to Asian American colleagues and friends by learning their history and challenges
  • Understand the roots of internalized bias as an Asian American Professional
  • Learn strategies to unlearn internalized stereotypes and bias and find authenticity
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